Beautiful Souls of the Universe

You may have noticed over these last few months how indeed we are all connected through this lovely tapestry of life. As you breathe in and breathe out, you know that your air is filled with the life of all beings of the planet. Do you realize how special that is? Do you realize the connectedness of All That Is and you and your part within All That Is? You may have been feeling a little strained as of late. Oh, okay, we hear you. You have felt the pressures of life and constant changes you have all been experiencing. We have noticed that some of you can continue to move about with ease and flow, while others have been in a place of turmoil, uncertainty, and life changing events. We feel your hearts as they break when another person in your life has chosen to leave this time-space reality. Yes, they have chosen to leave at this time, because they want to let go of life here and begin again. We feel the sorrow, and we hear your cries, but we want you to also know that even as they leave they are choosing another reality. If you chose to stay on the planet as it is now, it is because you believe there is much that you can still contribute to this earth space.

Do not fear, dear ones. As you begin to take steps forward, and a few steps back, it will all come together in a kind of symmetry that has yet to be determined. Those of you who see things that you want to question and to understand with a new depth, will continue to stay here now and see that there really is much yet to experience. We want you to trust the process, even as it often seems there is no real process to anything. Things seem so scattered, without rhyme and seemingly no reason at all. You also know that as you have heard through the news media and through talking with peers how difficult life has become for many on the planet and it seems there is no letting up on the fear, doubt, and uncertainty. That jobs are being lost, businesses have closed, people have died, and the hope of going back to life as you once knew it seems bleak and terribly uncertain.

This is when we want you all to come together on the planet and work as a unified version of humanity, and choose peace over hostility, love over hatred, and accommodate each other’s desires as if they were your own. You actually can coexist on this beautiful planet as if you really did believe that you are all connected. We realize that many of you will never have life as you once knew it because of all the changes that have occurred throughout this year. This has been a year of change, a year of insight, a year of the inward journey to look inside and be guided by who you are and what you believe to be true for you. We understand that day to day living is filled with uncertainty and upheaval. It is often difficult to trust your own guidance because along the way you seem to question and not be sure of what the next step may be or where it will lead. The uncertainty of life feels so overwhelming at times because what you believe and what you see are often different rather than cohesive. It feels at times that no one is listening, that no one is trying to understand the big picture, that no one can even feel a glimpse of hope. We are here to tell you that through all of this uncertainty there really is a lot of certainty. We know for sure that for those of you on the planet now, we can see without a shadow of doubt that after the dust settles and air clears again, that the future is bright, bold, abundant, and full of hopes and dreams and desires and love for humanity.

We want you all to take in deep breathes and realize that in the aftermath of such difficult times is when humanity as a whole steps in and holds each other up, rather than tearing each other down. It is through the eyes of hope and love and helping one another as you all stand together realizing that times are uncertain and full of fear, but in that feeling of despair and helplessness there is a glimmer of hope. Keep seeing the hope. Keep seeing the best in others, keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open to reaching down when someone is needing a lift up and bringing them back to the feeling of hope, back to feeling they can make it another day. And then when that day passes, they can see that they can be a light for someone else that is feeling distraught, lonely, or lifeless. People really do care about one another, especially in these times of need and despair. You can be a part of the lifting of those that cannot see a glimmer of light, bringing them to that place where they too can get a glimpse of what you are seeing. Be the one that can assist someone in writing a new chapter in their book of life. Be the one that when you see someone that is in pain, you can give them a lift of spirits by reaching out to them and letting them know that you are there for them, even if it is only with a smile, a hug, a kind word. Try not to allow others to bring you down into their hopelessness. You be the one to give them a bit of hope. Let them know that even though there are so many on the planet now in similar circumstances, with the power of love, the power of hope, the power of being together, you can all stand as one and lift each other up, one person at a time. Be aware of your own light and love, and continue to share the hope, share the times in your life where you have been afraid or alone or in despair, but took a minute, an hour, a day, a week at a time and allowed yourself to be filled once again with hope, love, and being genuine and thoughtful and caring for humankind. You can all make a difference by reaching out to your fellow human beings on the planet and rediscovering that you are all connected by the breathe of life. Breathe in, breathe out, be at peace, be at one with who you are and see what with kindness and love we can do for each other.

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