Dreaming Grandmother

A child says to her grandmother: I dreamed of you last night and you dreamed of me. What are dreams anyway? Did we connect on any level last night?

We say dreams for this little one are like kisses and shared memories. For this grandmother and her granddaughter have been together many times, and Katherine, as she is called this lifetime is also a teacher to the parents that she has chosen, and she knew that the grandmother that she chose this lifetime would assist her.

Katherine has not forgotten where she came from, and she also knew from a soul perspective that the parents and grandparents that she chose are in alignment with who she is and who she will become.  Grandmothers have been teaching the little ones from a very early age how important it is to remain connected to the soul-self and live in the moment and to explore, experiment, and often times, bring their parents and grandmother to brink of…well, you know where that is.

Katherine is inquisitive and likes to meet up with her past, present, and future in her dreamscape and often times her grandmother will accompany her on her journeys, both in the here and now and other realities.

Allow your children to explore and be expressive with their words, thoughts, emotions, and ideas for this is where the future is formulated.

Yes, little one, you and your grandmother love to fly about in dreams, because you know that you will be allowed to be your self, and that is why often times the two of you meet up in dreamscape.

Keep enjoying your journeys for they are vast and expressive ,and you will meet up with many like-minded individuals.

In- joy!

With love your teachers from your dreams…

A Time Of Clearing

Dear ones,

It has been a while since this one has allowed us to move through her in this way. It is not for the lack of interest, or lack of things to say, but merely a knowing that as you all take time to center yourselves, you can have your own access to the infinite intelligence of All That Is. 

We have decided to move through her today, as she is in a space of benevolence and peace and gratefulness. Yes, even when one’s world seems that is has been turned upside down and inside out, there is always a way to connect to the divineness that is you. Cherish who you are, and love who you are, and share the love of who you are to all that you may encounter along the way.  Many people currently are feeling lost, afraid, misguided, judged, and lonely. Reach out to your fellow humankind and embrace and love those along your path. Know, dear ones, that the outside world does not need to affect your inner peace. Your inner peace can be reached even when you don’t feel the connection. We, the teachers, are always available and are always within a snap of the fingers, both in the darkness of the night and lightness of the day. 

You may feel disconnected, because of all the intense frequencies that surround each and every one of you, but you can reconnect, recharge, and be delighted in the knowledge that no one is ever disconnected to the Source of the universe, the love of All That Is. 

You may find yourselves zipping and zapping about, but we assure you that all the dodging of energy is actually fulfilling your needs in ways that are not apparent to many of you. Your souls are freeing themselves of things that are no longer needed or wanted by your inner selves, and the inner selves are connecting to energies that are of such high frequencies that many are not touched by the blasting of lower energy. 

But many of you are getting into the line of fire, if you will indulge us, and finding that the fire that is surrounding you seems like it will never end, nor will the embers ever die down. Dear ones, be at peace and trust your soul self, and delve into those things that need to be cleared out of your space. This is a wonderful time for house cleaning and clearing, and those of you who need to free up space are finding this the best time of their lives.  

Free yourselves from the doubts and uncertainties of life, and enjoy the moments in time that you have. Being truly alive in the present moment will give many of you the cleansing you need, and from it you will regain your power.

Do not be hard on yourselves, for there is so much more to look forward to. Be aligned with your soul self and connect to that inner soul that you are and are meant to be by the divine love that is yours and is always within your reach.

Seek the clarity that you need and see for yourselves that the light of the tunnel is not at the end, but at the beginning. Enjoy yourselves, dear ones, for you are the gifts of the universe. Divine beings of the planet, continue to grow, live, learn, and enrich your mind, body, and souls with all that you are.

Be at peace, dear ones. We are all One.

In love and gratitude for you and all you are.

An Invitation

Peace to all beings.

Come to where we are and you will feel the lightness and beauty of each unfolding day. Allow yourself to be free from worry, doubt, fear, hate, unsettledness, and open yourself to the flow of energy that is us/you. For you see, we are not separate from you, although you have allowed yourself to be separate from us.

The connection you feel when you are driving in your car and all the red lights magically turn to green, or when you pull into a very crowded parking lot and someone is pulling out right where you want to park, that is us. When you are walking outside and taking time to breathe in the fresh air and feel the earth upon your feet, there we are. When you felt that gentle brush of air caress your face. that was us asking you to take time to enjoy that particular moment. That moment in time was you aligning with that which we call All That Is.

When you find kindness in each individual that you encounter, yes, even when they cut you off in traffic or you are stuck behind an accident and you really need to get to a meeting, that is us saying, now is a really good time to come to where we are. Take the time in this experience to enjoy being in the car. Look around you at the other drivers and smile and let them know you are connected to the divine in you and in them. You and everyone that you come into contact with throughout your day can make choices. You can choose to be kind and courteous and playful, or you can choose to be irritable, irrational, and even irate but you always have the choice.

What will you choose for yourself today? Will you choose to allow us all to be connected in the divine Father/Mother/God of All That Is? Or will you choose to feel disconnected to your soul self? Life is full of these choices that you have throughout your entire day. Make a mental note of how and why you choose to do what you do. Kindness and love will always win over even the most irritable people you may encounter. You have really no idea what they may be dealing with in their own lives, and you really don’t want to make that kind of judgment on anyone. For when you judge them, you are judging yourself and you are bringing into your experience just want you were trying to avoid.

Life is full of wonderful opportunities to engage with people, events, challenges, highs, lows and everything in between. Be gentle with yourselves and know that whatever choice you make today will also affect others, because in the divine scheme of life we are all indeed connected. Choose to be connected to your divine loving beautiful self today and see what life gives back to you.

How much energy will it take to be kind and how much energy does it take to be unkind? You will be surprised to know that it takes much more energy to be unkind than it does to be kind. You are all on the planet at this time in your life to be at one with the beauty of your soul self. Yes, life can be challenging at times, and have heartache, and things will happen that you will say, how am I to see the beauty in this? That is the time in which we want you to take a breath in and exhale and look around and be at one with self and gently say to yourself, This is just a mere second in the bigger scheme of my life. How do I want to choose to respond to this circumstance? Will it be with love and gentleness and peace and awareness of All That Is?

It may be or it may not be, but we will not judge your response to it, and we do not want you to judge yourselves for the way you may react to circumstances, people, etc. Life is not for judgment of others, but acceptance of others for where they are is where they are, and it may not be where you are, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is where you are. And if you are choosing to be connected to your divine loving natural state of well-being and acceptance of self. By recalling the divine in you, you will see the divine in others, yes even those who can’t see it in themselves.

We give to you today this moment in time to align with the All That Is and know that we are all indeed in this together. We are sending to you today the gift of a new day, a new beginning, a new awareness. Choose to connect to that divine natural loving self the you are!

Blessings to all, and know that we are indeed all one.

Teaching, healing , creating entities…

The Teachers On Practical Magic

Dear ones,

Lately Leslie had been thinking more about lack, about not good enough, about worthlessness, and you know what that brings to you.

When she allowed herself to come back into balance, she felt hopeful, more aligned with her inner being and knowing, and trusted that what the universe was giving to her is what whe was asking for. She was feeling overwhelmed at work and underappreciated, and on the day that she had turned her negative thoughts back into more positive expectancy, a client presented her with flowers and a card that stated —YOU are appreciated, you are kind, you are patient. Look what she did. Yes, she did that. She brought herself back into the place of empowerment and hopefulness and saw almost immediate results.

This is what we the teachers are always telling you — that when you believe in yourself and your worthiness things always work out for you. There is no getting around it, this is how the universe operates.

As you continue to move forward more to what you do want and away from the things that you don’t want, you will see that more doors will open. Allow yourself to be open to an endless stream of possibilities. The little things in life that were annoying will bring you gifts of understanding, and a belief that indeed with me all things are possible.

Become more focused on the things that give you a great deal of pleasure and less on the things that bring you into a place of disbelief. Achieving the goals and desires that you have set out for yourself are within reach. Why would you doubt that?

When life brings to you challenges or events that seemingly come from nowhere to now here, it is because you are coming from the practiced thoughts of not good enough. You are so in tune with those thoughts that you forget just how far you have come, the you have walked away from diversity and heartache and the feeling of despair only to be shown the evidence of just the opposite emotions.

Now is the day once again to see the magic that transpires in life when you are in alignment with your soul self — the Self that is always believing in you; the one that cheers you on and stands up for you when you feel that you can’t stand up for yourself. The Self that says all is well in your world, life is for you, the Universe is bending in your direction. The Self that says, I love you, I believe in you, come back to me. You are beautiful, you are alive, you are joy, you are ecstasy, and you are blissfully happy with life.

Feel the joy of life again. Feel the absolute magic that gives you the synchronicities that align you with circumstances and events that prove to you time and time again that indeed life is for you.

The assignment for you today is to believe in Self, feel the joy and magic of life and watch life unfold for you in ways that will have you grinning from ear to ear all day and into the next day and the next… You get the picture.

Be in-joy!

The Infinite Path To Healing

rocks and sky

Ken shares the encouragement he received from Seth and The Teachers reminding him of the healing ability that resides within him and all beings. Powerful and uplifting advice for anyone on a physical (or other) healing journey.


The Teachers On Your Limitless Self

Dear ones,

It is with great love that we have connected once again in this way as you have opened yourself to us and to the magical connection of the inner wisdom that lies within all beings.

Recently Leslie reconnected with a soul that has meant a great deal to her, and she realized that this soul has been with her in many lifetimes. In those lifetimes and in this one she knows that the light that comes from both her and her friend often times merges as one in the ethereal. You are all light beings and in your lightness and in the fullness of who you are you feel that there is no time and no separation between worlds or dimensions, and that you are traveling about in the light of all beings.

The light comes from within and in that light you shine upon those that seek healing, or kindness, or being able to connect to their true selves. And in the light as you move about with ease and no hesitation, you allow us to be with you.

Enjoy the ride dear ones. As you know by now, we are connected on many levels and there is indeed no separation between the dimensions. You are all light, and free to roam about without limitations, and in that moving about, you realize that dimensional travel is all frequency travel and you need not put labels upon it, but enjoy the freedom that comes from this.

You are benevolent beings, as are all beings on the planet. Some have seemingly lost the connection to their true self by allowing outer circumstances to dictate to them that they do not have free will or the freedom to choose how they feel and react to outer circumstances. But those of you that are clearly able to touch upon the fullness of living in the light, in the limitless conditions of All That Is, know there is absolutely no limitations to the freedom to heal, freedom to be, freedom to hear, freedom to seek, freedom to believe, freedom in all of your lifes choices. You do not have to be hampered by what someone has labeled you. You are aware that there is absolutely nothing that cannot be healed through the wholeness of being the one that you have always meant yourself to be. By being true to yourself, you understand what that means. In this limitless formation of All That Is, the connection is deep and boundless and all-encompassing. Do you not remember who you have all set out to be in this vast universe of YOU. Put the YOU back into YOUniverse, the you that is a part of the All That Is.

Please do not place those man-made limitations on yourself. You may have heard from others —I have this dis-ease, or I don’t have the money that I need to fulfill the desires I wish to full fill, but therein lies the limitations that you have placed upon yourselves. Feel the freedom in knowing that the only limits are the ones that you have placed upon yourself. Feel the total awareness of life, joy, freedom, and connection to the vastness of all there is. Therein lays the freedom to be who you choose to be, and to know that in that awareness of being true to self, there are indeed no limitations.

Feel it, be it, and believe it to be so dear ones. Love abounds everywhere. Even in what appears to be the dark, there is light. Turn your light back on and join the light of all of that is and connect once again to your true self.

Be at peace dear ones, and know that we are all indeed connected as one in the YOUiverse!

Love to all beings,

The Teachers.